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Examples of Self-Concept Transformation

Interviews with real students that are learning how to transform their own self-concept

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support that can support your overall sense of wellbeing

In this interview Pierre talks about changing generalized anxiety into a quality of being joyful

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support that can support your relationships

Helena talks about the changes within her self-concept that helped her create the relationship she always wanted

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ changing limiting belief's around money

In this interview Melanie shares the changes she made within her self-concept that removed limiting beliefs around money

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support that can support your business and personal life

Paul talks about his best financial month and his overall sense of wellbeing

Build a self-concept optimization plan

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support that can support your health and relationships

In this interview David talks about how he replaced feelings of fear and how that supported his work and personal life.

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support you in your career

In this interview Jeniffer she talks about transforming qualities that have supported her business

Updating his self-concept gave him access to the inner resources to significantly grow his income.

In this interview Antwain shares his experience transforming the qualities that influenced the raise in his income and the overall change in his finances.

Build a self-concept optimization plan

Optimizing his self-concept improved the quality his relationships

In this interview Denny shares his experience transforming the generalizations that influenced the his relationships.

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support your sales career

In this interview Olya talks about what changes she made to her self-concept and how it impacted her sales career

Build a self-concept optimization plan

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support you as a parent

In this interview Anna shares what changes she made that supported her to be the parent she wanted to be

Example: A Self-Concept Optimization™ that can support your health

In this interview Maria shares what changes she made within her own self-concept and how they support her journey to improve her health

Build a self-concept optimization plan

Completely transformed his business with updating his self-concept

Here is an interview with Online Group Coaching member Peter Schwartz. In this interview Peter shares his experience transforming the quality of productive and how his business grew because of it.

Removed anxiety that was preventing her from the success she wanted

In this interview Deni shares her experience transforming the an unwanted quality that removed her work related anxiety. Because of that change she is getting access to much more opportunities.

Build a self-concept optimization plan

Found the deepest kind of change for herself and her clients

Watch Clair's interview and how she explains the difference between working with the self-concept vs other modalities of change.

Built a solid self-concept that supports her in ways she wish she had a long time ago

Watch Erika explain how the changes to her self-concept change how she experiences her skills and abilities. She urges those that watch the video not to wait.

Build a self-concept optimization plan